Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Last fall a man stopped by my house to inquire about some plants I have in the front yard.  He said his wife just loved them.  He was talking about my Red Hot Pokers, which are amazing at that time of the year.  Anyway, I gave him several plants which I had separated earlier in the spring.  A couple of months later he showed up with a half a dozen plumeria cuttings for me.  Anyway, most of them I planted in pots but this one is in the ground near my pond.  It has the only bloom.  It's really a pretty blossom. 

1 comment:

  1. I love Plumeria!! I love the color you have. Hey..anytime you want some succulents and other plants I will bring some over. Next catalog launch or sooner :)

    THanks for always sharing.
